
These are some collection of photos that I capture on random times. They are all taken by me and all the photos are original and have not been edited (except the watermark and the image size of course). The camera I use is Canon DIGITAL IXUS 80 IS but each photo has their own ISO settings. Do enjoy these photos and comments are welcome! :)

Sunset, Berakas Forest Reserve. ISO-80

Wound. ISO-80

Water Droplets. ISO-125

Hope. ISO-125

Trapped Heart. ISO-250

Food Compilation (January)

Lamb Fried Rice at TT.Blues

Kiwi Juice..if im right.

Nasi Lemak at Easyway Serusop (Only available during Ramadhan)

Chicken Fried Rice at Easyway Serusop

叉烧 & 燒肉 Rice at Happy Union Gadong